osame to
Смотреть что такое "osame to" в других словарях:
osáma — e ž (ȃ) knjiž. stanje osamljenega; osamljenost: zboleti od osame in žalosti; ekspr. presojati svet iz samozadovoljne osame / obšlo jo je čustvo osame / živeti v osami osamljeno // glagolnik od osamiti; osamitev: osama kužnega bolnika … Slovar slovenskega knjižnega jezika
Shikoku Pilgrimage — Pilgrims at Zentsū ji, Temple 75 and the birthplace of Kōbō Daishi … Wikipedia
Fermi paradox — The Fermi paradox is the apparent contradiction between high estimates of the probability of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and the lack of evidence for, or contact with, such civilizations.The extreme age of the universe and its … Wikipedia
Neuromyotonia — Classification and external resources ICD 10 G71.1 ICD 9 333.90 … Wikipedia
List of diseases (N) — A list of diseases in the English wikipedia.DiseasesTOC N Nas* N acetyltransferase deficiency * N syndrome * N acetyl glutamate synthetase deficiency * N acetyl alpha D galactosaminidase * N acetyl glucosamine 6 sulfate sulfatase deficiency *… … Wikipedia
Human T-lymphotropic virus — Taxobox name = PAGENAME virus group = vi familia = Retroviridae subfamilia = Orthoretrovirinae genus = Deltaretrovirus species = Simian T lymphotropic virus subdivision ranks = Serotypes subdivision = Human T lymphotropic virus Human T… … Wikipedia
Warabe uta — are traditional Japanese songs, similar to nursery rhymes. They are often sung as part of traditional children s games. They are described as a form of min yo traditional Japanese songs, usually sung without accompanying instruments. The… … Wikipedia
Meifu Shinkage-ryū — (jap. 明府真影流) is a modern Shurikenjutsu School, which was founded in the 1970s by Chikatoshi Someya (染谷親俊, Someya Chikatoshi). Its roots could mainly be found in the Shurikenjutsu of Tenshin Shōden Katori Shintō ryū (天真正伝香取神道流). Contents 1… … Wikipedia
Complement component 3 — PDB rendering based on 1c3d … Wikipedia
Shinmeiaishinkai — nihongo|Shinmei Aishinkai|神命愛心会 is a Japanese new religion founded by Komatsu Kiyoko in 1976. Komatsu was born in Yokohama, Japan in 1928; her mother was the successor to a hereditary line of Shinto priests. In 1976, an acquaintance of Komatsu s… … Wikipedia
Tōryanse — is the name of the traditional Japanese children s tune (Warabe uta). It is the most common choice for music played by traffic lights in Japan when it is safe to cross. The words to the song are:Japanese: 通りゃんせ 通りゃんせ ここはどこの 細通じゃ :天神さまの 細道じゃ… … Wikipedia